Bio: |
I\'m 14, birthday\'s february 18th 1991. My biggest interests are My friends, My girlfriend (one of my best friends), dieting/exercising/losing weight/body image/perfectionism, eating disorders, self mutilation, suicide, Evanescence, music in general, doing whatever it is that I WANT to do in my spare time and who I am as a person.
Outstanding character traits:
I am interested in psychological disorders, a lot.
My hair has to be perfect before I leave the house. I\'m weird about my hair. It\'s not like \"OMG YOU CAN\'T TOUCH MY HAIR YOU\'LL MESS IT UP!\" Its just that .. y\'know you do your hair for a reason..right? I like my hair being neat. And I feel ugly if it\'s not.
I\'m not allowed to cut/dye my hair, I\'m not allowed to wear makeup, for the longest time I wasn;t allowed to shave my legs, I\'m not allowed to get any abnormal mom\'s weird.
My mom\'s a drunk and a pothead. So is her boyfriend, so I am anti-drugs and alcohol because they piss me off. And I don\'t want to be like them.
My parents are divorced, and I HATE HATE HATE my stepmom.
My best friends are what I live for, they\'re what keeps me here.
My sister is a fatass, and she pisses me off too. She always threatens to hit me and she yells at me for no reason. But I\'m a pussy. I can\'t do anything about it.
My favorite color is purple, I freak out about it. I\'ll take pictures of ym room to show you all.
I am a lacto-pesco vegetarian. I eat chocolate and dairy stuff, and I eat seafood. I don\'t eat meat that\'s been\'s mean.
I\'m a health nut.
I absolutely FREAK OUT about Evanescence. My favorite band in the world.
I cherish rock music. It\' salvation..
I am very emotional..VERY..emotional. Some people call me emo, but then again others call me goth. Fuck labels. All I know is I get really upset, really easy. I\'m sensitive.
I\'m a drama queen.
I\'m a writer.
I\'m a picture whore.
I\'m an internet whore.
I\'m obsessed with nutrition and how to lose weight and stuff. I am a lose-weight-freak.
I always copy schoolwork from other people because I get so distracted during class, I run out of time to do the work myself. I AM capable of doing it though. I need ADD medicine. heh.
I am somewhat of a nudist. I sleep nakedly. And I don\'t care who knows it. I get ready in the morning nakedly, too.
I get tto attached to others and it pisses me off when they don;t see that and they think they can just leave me without saying goodbye. That was a metaphor, I don\'t feel like explaining it.
I am tired at school if I get more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep.
I don\'t eat breakfast.
I hate pop tarts and oreos. They are decieving. In just TWO oreos there is like..200 calories or somehting. In ONE pop tart there\'s 200. It pisses me off. A lot of other things are like that but I feel a particular hatred towards pop tarts and oreos.
I only drink diet cokes unless it\'s a special thing like..frozen coffee, or cream soda..or something that doesn\'t come in diet. Sparingly.
I\'m a language arts and science nerd.
I am extremely BAD at math. It frustrates me.
I refuse to paint my nails. It also pisses me off. I can never do it right and it\'a all messy. The only color I will paint them is white, black, green or purple. Those are all my favs, but purple rules all.
I have NEVER had a different favorite color.
I have a phobia of my sister touching me, she hits me a lot and yells at me and threatens me for no reason..and I scream every time she touches me. And she does it now just to make me scream. the bitch..
I have been involved in magick.
I am catholic, or come from a family of catholics. Both my sides of the family are religious.
My right ear..doesn\'t work. I cannot hear out of it. So I piss everyone off making everything loud in order for myself to hear it.
I like to watch fishies swim around.
I take up to 2 hour baths.
I masturbate.
I have a series of self mutilation scars.
I have been on a few crash diets.
My favorite physical attribute about myself is my face when I feel pretty. And mt hands. And my eyes.
I am a halfway vengeful \"im gonna secretly torture you\" type of person, and halfway a pacifist.
I have two people in my head. One controls the good things about me and my thoughts, the other cotrols the bad thoughts and stuff. Babe-good Benny- bad.
I will steal from anyone I don\'t have respect for, but not form stores because I could get fined.
I am somewhat of a church-girl, but I\'m sure as hell not a good christian.
I\'m always cold.
I shave the regular parts of my arms.
I have a knuckle/neck popping problem.
I am a perfectionist.
I am a potato whore.
I always try to keep myself on a schedule and I make myself to do lists.
I\'m a neatfreak and no one else in my house is, I get pissed and throw tihngs when I clean up after them. But that\'s why my room\'s always clean.
I am a good singer sometimes.
I have good people skills and my teachers have informed me of how I use them to manipulate people. I didn;t know I did that, but oh well.
No, I\'m not self-centered and not arrogant. But this IS my bio, and info about ME, so yes I am gonna wtite a lot about myshelf.
I really like the moon. Not the moon in the outer space persepctive, but the moon in the how beautiful and magickal it is perspective.
I have had a teddy bear that I sleep with every night for four years. I can\'t sleep without it.
I never get out of my pajamas. I\'m always either wearing school uniforms or jammies. Always.
I am bisexual, and I feel like I like girls MORE than I like guys, but I\'ve had this virgin promise ring for a year now and I\'ve just recently become Bi-on-the-lesbian-side, so I feel stupid wearing the ring, but I can\'t not wear the ring because everyone knows what it stands for. However, a pair of earrings came with it, and I gave the earrings to my girlfriend as my lesbian-virgin-promise-things. It\'s not really a promise that I\'m not gonna have lesbian sex until..I\'m older.. or anything, but it relates, so I gave them to her since she took my lesbian virginity. Hehe. How special.
An ex-best friend of mine, Karen, tells everyone I\'m a poser and she told everyone I masturbate and she tells new kids to stay away from me because \"everyone hates me\" I really wonder what I ever did to her.
I like chucks. Converse..whatever. I just like them. I don\'t like any other brand-name shoes, really. They don\'t make me go \"yay! shoes! pretty! I want them!\" the way converse\'s do. But I\'m thinking of getting some other kind of shoes from hottopic for the next schoolyear instead of chucks because everyone\'s wearing chucks.
I CAN skateboard, and I\'m pretty good at it, but I can\'t do tricks, so I guess that means I can\'t wear skate shoes. Oh well. I haven\'t had the urge to wear them anyway.
If people have questions, u2u me and I\'ll answer them.
I don\'t know what else to write here.. |