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Profile for FeyTwilight
Username FeyTwilight
Registered: 11-4-2004 (0 messages per day)
Posts: 27 (0% of total posts)
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Last active: 12-16-2004 at 05:43 AM

Other Information
Location: *mummbles to self* New...York,...Gallifray?
Birthday: 1-1-1970
Bio: Eccentric creative female:
Favorite colors: Black & Silver
Nick name: Jacklynn Trader (Jack of all trades)
Favorite animal: Fox
Likes: writing fiction, Anime, advid movie watcher, reading, chess, magic the gathering, gaming, singing, inventing, and philosophy.
Dislikes: People not open to possibilities, religious zealots, ah hell, who am I kidding people in general tend to annoy me.
Favorite actors: Vincent D\'nofrio, Tom Baker, Jeremy Brett, Basil Rathbone, James Spader, Bill Pullman, Kevin Spacy, and thats about it so far.
Upcoming life: On way to becoming a lawyer, I suppose, needs friend, who shares in intrests.
Plans: To change the world, to be respected, to advance mankind; pretty unlikely, but I\'m crazy enough to be willing to try.
I don\'t have anybody to talk to really, I\'m just hoping someone, (you) will read this, and maybe be intrested in sharing dreams, ah well, (sigh), at least I\'m alright with myself, and my life, and thats more then many can say. Hey still reading, that is a surprise, well then your life can\'t be more fruitfull than mine then, contact me...
Current Mood: Lonely, bored,...lost?
Forum most active in: No posts made yet.
Last Post: No posts made yet.

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