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» Poem: Happy hell bound heathen
Happy hell bound heathen
written by Genocide Reaper
09:30 PM 11/16/04
Tedious tremendous expiriments trapt inside of a vault of vile solutions. Dismembered bodies spread out across the slabs. Torso's wrapped in chains and doused in lime. Gasoline drained from the engines of firey machines that decentigrate helpless victims of the hate. Timeing is off, I guess you will speak, and I shall scoff. I need nothing. but one thing. I don't need everyone. Just one. I have one, I have all. I am one. I am all. Deep inside this mind, is a killer that harbors rage, and will open a world of violent hate, to unleash the ultimate fear instiling state. He'll break through your walls of defense and drown you in fate. He'll stalk you until you breath one last breath. He'll send you to Hell. He takes shit from no one. He speaks nothing of Prayers for his soul, and laughs at Christian demands. He knows, he's a happy hell bound heathen. And I shall this to thee. I am He. I shall speak, so listen to me sheep. If Christ is the messiah. Then I could convert after death. but if he was just a mortal man. Which I believe he was then I have nothing to fear when death comes, I didn't sell my soul to an Icon. As you did. Remember bible lovers. You broke the first commandment. You just face your own judgement.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Remember Cattle. (cattle = Christains.) God loved David, yet he was one of the most Vile sinners in History. but he said David seeked God. So I don't have anything to worry about because I don't seek Christ.. I seek the Creator of All.

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» Comments / Feedback
by maledeth (11-16-2004 - 09:56 PM)
The creator is Satan....man is Satan....so thus, the creator is we.

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