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Profile for Kandance
Username Kandance
Registered: 11-26-2004 (0.03 messages per day)
Posts: 218 (0.03% of total posts)
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Last active: 4-22-2005 at 08:30 PM

Other Information
Aim: OneFoolsErrand
Location: Hiding.
Birthday: 1-1-1970
Bio: I have no idea what to write about myself.

My birthday is August 29th, 1991. I love my birthday. I have no idea why, I just
think the date is cool. And my star sign as well. Virgo, the only suck thing
Is that she is a virgin. Which is nice, I guess. But being proclaimed the ‘most innocent
sex guru ever’ and being born under the sign of the virgin leaves me with questions.

I am a nerd. And damn proud.

I have the ability to read 5 books in 2 days if I want to.

I have a bizarre interest in the Holocaust, Nazi’s and Hitler. I love it. I
don’t love that it happened. I just have a deep disturbing interest in it.

I have Blonde hair with black streaks. I wear too much
make up, and I have 15 holes in my head. Oh yeah, I am a punk rock chick.
But no, actually, I hate labels. They make me feel like a soup can. And I’m not.

I have been a vegetarian since I was 11. Well, if you want to get all technical I am a LACTO-PESCO VEGETARIAN
I eat fish, shellfish, cheese, chocolate made with milk, fruit, vegetables, etc.
I do NOT eat: chicken or any other foul; pork, beef any other red meat, I eat no other mammals (i.e.: dolphins are mammals not fish), nor do I eat reptiles. I don\'t eat insects (if I did I would probably still be a vegetarian, I just have bad taste, bad breath, and a real need for a new hobby). I also do not eat things like bullion cubes, French onion soup made with beef broth, some BBQ sauce that has animal (mammal or fowl) ingredients.
As you can see, for a pesco-lacto-vegetarian, I am quite strict... however, I\'m still not a complete vegetarian because I eat cheese, and fish.

I cant stand thinking of how eating a hamburger is pretty much like eating road kill off the road with some bread. It makes me gag.

I have a phobia of water. It freaks me the fuck out. I almost died once because of it. I don’t remember me drowning. I just remember that I did. And I didn’t like it. I can get near water, but looking at it like flowing or being real near it makes me feel weird.

I cant remember hardly anything from my childhood. Only little things.

My mom will never make up for the things she has done to me. And she knows it.

I have self-mutilation scars.

I like the way scars looks. I don’t like how they get there but I like how they look and how they tell stories.

I like the thought of two men having sex. It’s not a common thing. It makes me feel like a man, because most men like 2 girls together. But, I don’t know. I just like men having sex. It’s rather wonderful when it is emo boys though. It makes me smile to see them kissing.

I have a girlfriend who I love.

I like pictures.

And writing.

And music.

And green.

And Drew Pinsky.

But I hate the person that made up the rule that sentences should never start with the word “and”. I say FU.

That is all I know to write now.

Chelsie you know anything else I should put in here..Tell meh. Poodle.
Current Mood: No telling.
Forum most active in: No posts made yet.
Last Post: No posts made yet.

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