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Profile for MetallicaDude454
Username MetallicaDude454
Registered: 8-23-2004 (0 messages per day)
Posts: 13 (0% of total posts)
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Last active: 4-19-2005 at 04:12 AM

Other Information
Aim: MetallicaDude454
Yahoo: MetallicaDude454
MSN: MetallicaDude454@hotmail.com
Location: Minnesota/U.S.A
Birthday: 1-1-1970
Bio: I am the one standing, beside your casket with a beer in my hand, telling the others what a horrible person you were even though I don\'t know you.

I am also the one laughing at you for getting arrested for doing a crime, I will be the one on the other side of the bars telling you about how much freedom I have, and what I can do, that you can\'t.

I am the one that will not betray a bestfriend for any amount of money, but for 20 bucks, I\'ll betray a good friend.

I am the one who will cheer you on as your raise that blade, and slit your wrist, but the one that will be gone as soon as the cops arrive.

I will be there when you want me, but I wont be there when you need me, or when you expect me.

I am the one to hate on people just because they are different from me in any way.

I am the one on your sofa, under the blanket with your girlfriend, but we\'re not making love..., we\'re having sex.

Anythings funny, when it happens to you.
Current Mood: Satisfied.
Forum most active in: No posts made yet.
Last Post: No posts made yet.

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