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Profile for phantastic_phreak
Username phantastic_phreak
Registered: 11-21-2004 (0 messages per day)
Posts: 4 (0% of total posts)
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Last active: 1-11-2005 at 04:52 AM

Other Information
Site: http://www.deadjournal.com/~not_emo
MSN: phantastic_phreak@hotmail.com
Location: Mission, British Columbia
Birthday: 1-1-1970
Bio: I\'m pretty random I guess... I have 15 facial piercings (including ears), lobes at 1/2 inch. I am Inked as well. Music is a major part of my life. My guitars are my children. People that don\'t know me well think I\'m a \"cold heartless bitch\", surprisingly so do most of my ex-boyfriends, but if you take the time to get to know me, you will see that I\'m more of a sarcastic geek.
Current Mood: Fucking miserable. But thanks for rubbing that good ol' proverbial salt in my gaping emotional wounds, asshole.
Forum most active in: No posts made yet.
Last Post: No posts made yet.

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