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» Quiz: What type of celebrity are you?
What type of celebrity are you?
created by jmgolden286

Positive that you're destined to be a star but don't know where to start? just a few short questions will get you on your path to stardom...

1.) What would you consider your hidden talent?
your shower singing skills
your ability to get people to tell you anything
the skill to weasel yourself out of any awkward situation
your flair for the dramatics
your amazing fundraising abilities

2.) Your dream car would be...
a pimped out Escalade
an escorted SUV with properly tinted windows
the biggest blackest Mercedes ever made
a nice but expensive sedan
drive? I do not drive. I am driven... in a limo.

3.) The proper pet would be...
pocket pug
cute dalmatian
sedate golden retriever
what? dog?

4.) As a child, your parents praised you most when you....
performed in the school talent show
convinced grandma to tell you how much she spent on Aunt Jill for Christmas
became student body president
ran a booming lawn mowing business
acted out your own plays for the video camera

5.) You consider your best feature to be...
your voice of course
your probing personality
your ability to talk without really saying anything at all.
your intuitive money sense

6.) What would you name your children?
something weird, like Lordes or Prince Michael
Exotic, like Apple or Coco
something cute, like Emily and Julius.
always proper, like Barbara or William
Kids? I'm too busy counting my money.

7.) What would you bring with you on a desert island?
I must have my music
tape recorder. definitely.
my cell phone so I can call someone to get me off this stupid island, but only after I've convinced everyone that I am right.
my stylist, my agent, my hair dresser, my massuse, my significant other... well... everything!
anything to start up my new business venture - deserted island getaways!

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516 times this week
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