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» Quiz: Are you capable opf becoming a Spy?
Are you capable opf becoming a Spy?
created by Brie

1.) What Gender are you? Yes this does matter a little because the CIA wants certian Genders as of now.
Gender? What's that mean???

2.) If forced to choose, who would you rather kill?
Your mother?
Your Father.
A boyfriend, husband ect.

3.) How do you explain seeing a rainbow? What is it?
The particles in the moist air make it show color.
The particles from the rain show from the sun making the illusian of a rainbow.
What the fuck?
There is no way to explain how you see a rainbow. It is an allusian of the mind. It is never really there.

4.) What movie/tv show would you rather watch?
James Bond 007
Law and Order
Karen Sisco

5.) How do you do in school?
Straight A's and are bored with school, you need a new challange
Straight A's and working hard to get them.
Straight A's nothing to it. And occasianal B in FCS
Struggling B and C's
D's are average right?
F stands for Fantastic!

6.) Are you athletic?
Well sort of. I just am average
Yes, i love to run, and play any sport. Bring it on.
Hockey, that's always fun, but i am not that great.

7.) You are caught in a restricted area by a secuirty officer. You....
I was. Um. Gee I'm sorry, you cauught me. F... under breath.
Wobble around like your going to be sick, and say I need to find a bathroom. or Flirt with your hair and say, I'm sorry i missed the sign.
Pull out your trank gun and shoot um.
Have you seen my girlfrind/boyfriend, a tall blond, I think she may have wondered off.
Start speaking rusty spanish and act as if you couldn't read the sign.

8.) Your a handler and your feild agent is walking into a trap, you are restricted from going in, if you break radio slience you might make them, you....
Stay slient and pray they figure it out.
Break radio silence.
Jump out of the van, to guns in your hands and go in to back them up and hope to god you make it on time.
I want my MOMMY!
Sit on your hands and pray to God the you trained your feild agent well enough, because your damned either way you go.

9.) When you think spy what charicter do you think of?
James Bond
Alias's Sydney
Alias's Vaughn
Laurn Reed (alias)

10.) You are trapped with your partner, there's no where to run and the enemies are closing in, your partner grabs you and starts kissing you, you what...
Oh my gosh we are going to die, he knows it and kiss back.
Kiss back because this is the thing that's been on your mind since you met your partner.
Push him away.
Kiss back, you feel as if he is sheilding you from the guys, and you love him for that and when it ends you are confused, you didn't die. It worked.
Pervert ! and cant seem to make it look real
Grab him back and watch over his shoulder

11.) Are you able to lie?
Yes, really well.
That's against the bible
Of course but I need some time to figure the lie
Sort of yes. But its not perfect.

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