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» Quiz: What Breed of Horse are You?
What Breed of Horse are You?
created by kj103

Find Out What Breed of Horse you are! Fun and exiciting every mark you make will suprise you!

1.) If your were a horse how would you run?
Sprint! Must Sprint! I got to go!!!
Dude, As if I would so prance to show my beauty.
Slow Lope. Im not built for speed.
As fast as I can. If my rider is on, I might throw in a Buck!
I dont know still thinking.

2.) If you were a horse at a show, would you show off your beauty or be there to win?
Be there to win Totally!
I would do both.... be in a Halter class and show off my beauty!
Eww no! Im here to show off my beauty. Plus you dont no where that area has been! I could get my hoofs dirty!
Im at the show to try my hardest but it never hurt to look good!
Well while every one is showing off there stuff and looking good to im just going to stay on the side and watch.

3.) What type of owners do you have?
PASTURE TYPE! They keep me out all day so i can run!
Well im afraid of the dark so they take me out of a stall during the day and keep me in it at night.
My owners keep me in my stall 24/7. Plus the Pasture has weeds! Cant go there!
I dont care where im at. Im just glad my owner loves me.
Who cares....Plus I need a good loping every once in awhile.

4.) What color of horse do you want to be?
Dont Care.
umm.... Palomino..... maybe chestnut.
The Prettiest color there is.

5.) If you had a choice of being wild or tame what whould it be?
Eww Wild I whould love to be Free!
Probaly tame. Im not able to live on my own.
MUST Have someone take care of me. I mean I wouldn't be perfect if I didnt have a owner.
Wild! So I can run everywhere!
Tame. Need to have someone to love me.

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