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» Quiz: What kind of best friend are you?
What kind of best friend are you?
created by taintedsoul

Ever wonder what kind of best friend you are? Take this and find out!

1.) Scenario: you are stranded in the Canadian wilderness, and it is freezing! You and your friend (of the opposite sex) can either huddle together for warmth, or die. (Keep in mind you are like siblings to one another)
Die! Cuddle with my almost-sibling? I think not... Ewww. Almost incest!!!
ONLY if clothes stay on and it stays between the two of us when we get back to civilazation.
Of course! We can't die just because of our dignity!
screw up! don't click this please!

2.) Scenario: (same friend situation here, almost siblings) The male half of your friendship, be it you, or the friend you have in mind, has got a disease that requires oral sex to be performed upon them/you , or they die. Everyone else eligable has declined. What do you do?
Sure, I will do it, I can't let him die! / sure she can, I can pretend it is someone else if it starts to bother me.
No, I'm not putting my mouth on him! / Eww, no, that'd be like my sis giving me head. ::shivers:: yuck!
ONLY if he wears a condom, and I have to have Listerine on hand! / I need to be blind folded so I can't see her!

3.) Scenario: (this can be same sex, or different, it doesn't really matter) You and your friend are stranded on a desert Island, with cannibals! What do you do?
Throw them to the cannibals and start a signal fire, maybe they will buy me some time!
Fight the cannibals together! Whether we get eaten or we whup ass, we'll be going down together!
Try and lose your friend in the jungle! maybe the cannibals will find them first! Best person for themself!

4.) Scenario: You are in College with your bud, and they forget to do their homework in Calculas. You don't have anything to do that day, and they don't have Cal. til around 12:00, Do you do it for them, or let them face the consequnces?
Pshht! Dude, stupid question. Let them face the music. Even if it is a death march.
Let them copy your homework between classes. You aren't going to copy two whole pages of equations for them, c'mon!
Write it all out for them, and even disguise your hand writing. That's what friends are for. Sometimes.

5.) Last Question. A biggie right here... Scenario: Everyone but you and your friend are dead, you HAVE to repopulate the earth or the history of mankind is lost forever. What do you do?
Let's make with the lovin.' Rome wasn't built in a day, but we could try! Lol
Eww... ok, I would do it. But ONLY for the sake of humanity.
No, I'd rather die than screw by best friend. Incest!

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