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» Quiz: What drug are you addicted to?
What drug are you addicted to?
created by CryLittleSister

Crackhead? Maybe a heroin whore...Hmm..

1.) What symptoms would you have/do have?
prolong sex in a man. Will preform sexual favors for this drug.
user may neglect themselves and not eat properly
I don't want no fuckin addiction symptoms jackass!!
Shit I got bowls, bongs, hooga's, baggies, papers and shit comin out da ass fucker!

2.) What is your favorite slang-drug?
I love the All American Drug...Aka Joy Powder...FuCKIN BAZOOKA MANN!
Kumba is tha shit...aka...Laughing grass...Biggie....I love to blow a stick.
Dude...I'm a fuckin buffer. I'm on a mission for that one-fifty-one.
I love that Chalk shit. Or some fuckin peanut butter.
My shit is the Perfect High...That is my poison.
Fuck you i want some purple rain.

3.) Whats your fave. quotes from songs?
Well I been trippin' for 10 hours on 3 hits of liquid microdot Gettin' chased around the car by some midgets in the parking lot...
I was gonna go to court before I got highI was gonna pay my child support but then I got highthey took my whole paycheck and I know why
You put your right foot in put your right foot out put your right foot in, take it out and FUCKIN A IT'S ON FIRE, I GOT FIRE ANTS CLIMBING ON ME
Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me, i once was lost but now i'm found, was blind but now i see
eleven twenty two four niner eight?
Dude, I just sit when I'm baked

4.) Favorite color?
Clear teal
I don't see colors, I just see love.
I like crack

5.) Pick a number

6.) Self mutilation?
Well I break VCR's...Uhh cuz I was wondering where those lil ppl in the box were coming from
I shove things up my ass
I get burns from when my bowls get too hot.
Holes in my veins on my arm.

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