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» Quiz: Lips.
created by Tabryd

Which lips are you and why?

1.) What is your base mood?
Anger. Relentless anger.
Hate. Pure, venomous hate. GRRR.
Horny. MmmmMMMmmm!
I'm unsure...It varies.

2.) Pick a phrase/word.
Rock on.
A smile a day keeps that nasty little elf away! Oh, crap! He heard me! Ruuun!
I'm wanna kill, kill, kill! And I think I WILL! WILL! WILL!
:::inconsistent yelling and screaming:::
Mmmm. ;X

3.) Do you like or prefer lip piercings?
Eh, I'm okay with it, just not for me.
F0ck Yeah! Lookit all mine! ::points to obvious lip piercings::

4.) How do you act when your angry?
Start a riot, blast my music.
Scream and yell.
Write stuff down. Try and relax with my friends.
Imagine myself beating the crap out of everyone.
Beat the crap out of everone and/or burn things/little creatures.
Take it out on my slave. ;X

5.) Pick shome lyrics.
:I wanna be the minority! I don't need your authority! Down with the moral majority, 'cuz I wanna be the minority!:
There's something inside of me that pulls beneath the surface; consuming, confusing. I felt this way before, so INSECURE!
::heavy guitar::::screaming:: :::yelling::: ::bass:: :::pause::: ::shouting::
I can count angels, flying on by. I can count clouds out flying the skies.
Words are flowing out like in this rain into a papercup. They slither while they pass, they make their way across the universe.
---extra pick---Counts for nothing, do not choose.

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