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» Quiz: Do you think your a great boyfriend?
Do you think your a great boyfriend?
created by heygirl

Answer seriously and find out if your the perfect boyfriend.

1.) Its your girlfriends birthday, you want to suprise her, do you..
Give her a gift, say i love you, maybe a kiss and that was the 60 second suprise?
Go to her party make sure you have the best gift, and when everyone leaves you give her another one
Forget dates, and forgot it was her birthday
Waitin for her family dinner, to show up bring her flowers and a small gift stay for a couple mins, say i love you and take off

2.) You go to pick out a date..she doesnt care, but you kno she does, so you want to be some what special, but not too much...do you go...
to the movies
to the mall
go out to dinner (her favorite restraunt/food)
Just tell her if she cant deside your not gonna go

3.) She tells you shes not feeling good, do you...
Ask her what is wrong and try to help her?
Say whats wrong?
Say, Are you alright babe?
Say, What'd you say?

4.) Her mom asks you to help her do something around the house (paint, fix her car, garden stuff, etc.)
Sure why not youll help out your girl's mom
You make up something real quick that you cant do anything, you have to go
Never had the chance to meet her mom
You help her out half way, but dont finish cuz you dont really want to, and i dont blame you either

5.) Your girl's mom is totally drunk one night when you go out to dinner with your girlfriend and her mom...
Tell her it might be time to stop drinkin and you drive home
Just let her drink, shes a grown woman
Ask your girl to tell her to stop drinkin and let you drive so shes not DUI
Well you woulda went to that dinner, but you were stuck playin video games with Ernest

6.) Her dad comes out and tells you straight up, why is it your havin sex with my daughter
Yes you have; you amitt to it, and sit down and everyone talks about it
Well, that wont happen cuz he doesnt care/shouldnt care
You actually arnt having sex, so her dad shouldnt care (under 18)
Well you really havent met him either

7.) Last question stud, i promise...She calls you cryin at 3:38am, you just went to bed 3 hours ago after talkin to her already, do you...
Ignore the ringin phone
Pick up, tell her your really really tired and youll talk to her in the morning
You answer, hear that shes cryin and listen to what she says and try to calm her down
Listen to her, but your half asleep anyway, so you try to keep yourself up until she calms herself down (sometimes girls need to vent to someone)

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