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» Quiz: Would you go to college?
Would you go to college?
created by Peachypenguin731

So, would you ever go to college? Is college for you? Or is college just a complete waste of time? Please, answer truthfully.

1.) There is an essay at school (a contest). If you win, you win 15,000 dollars savings bond. Do you enter?
Of course I would! College is expensive, and as I plan to go, this would be so much easier.
Hell no. I have so much more to do, more important that writing a stupid essay.

2.) What college would you apply for?
Probably something big. LIke Duke, Yale, or Stanford.
If I went at all, it would probably be a cheap little community college.

3.) You spend your time...
Watching TV, eating, partying... everything that could possibly be fun.
Studying, reading, writing, thinking about which college would best suit my planned career.

4.) If your friends thought college was stupid, would you still go?
Hell no! You only live once, and if I can't impress my friends, college just isn't worth it!
Well, of course I would go. Just because my friends have no future doesn't mean that I should flip burgers for the rest of my life, too.

5.) Your major would be...
How many times this one singer was on TRL.
Something that has a test for it.

6.) Why would you go to college?
Parties, most likely.
So I can get a better education. I'm not going to get a good job if the best education I have is Highschool or less.

7.) What was your SAT score? (If you haven't done them yet, then what do you want/think it to be?)
SAT's? What? I didn't even TAKE my SAT's! (Not if you haven't had the chance, but if you had the chance but didn't take them.)
Less than 1200, but I wish I could have done better.

8.) Favorite book?
A novel.
A short little thing, but only because school made me read it.

9.) What would you be accepted for?
Your brilliant brains.
Because I kicked ass in sports (or something similar)

10.) And finally, what is most interesting about college?
Well, the drugs are parties are pretty good...
The programs... the professors... my LORD what ISN'T interesting about college?

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