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» Quiz: Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You?
Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You?
created by CraicBaby

Which of 7 Irish Gaelic phrases are you?

1.) In your free time, you...
Go shopping
Kick puppies
Make sweet, sweet love
Run around with your underpants outside your trousers
Lie in the grass and watch the clouds
Piss off!

2.) What's your favorite beverage?
Beer, and lots of it
Whatever's under the bathroom sink
Sex on the Beach

3.) Pick a color...
Black and blue
Blood red
Whiskey brown

4.) Pick a Gaelic word from this list(it doesn't matter if you don't know what they mean):
Uisce beatha

5.) Pick a song lyric...
'So goodbye/ Fare thee well/ I'm glad you shared my bed/ But never trust a fella with a helmet on his head...'
'And the old black rum's got a hold on me/ Like a dog wrapped 'round my leg...'
'Well first I hanged me mother/ Away boys away/ Me sister and me brother/ And it's hang, boys, hang...'
'There's a neat li'l lass and her name is Mari-Mac/ Make no mistake she's the one I'm gonna track/ Lots of other fellas try to get her on her back
'And I say way-hey-hey, it's just an ordinary day/ And it's all your state of mind/ At the end of the day, you've just got to say,/ It's all right...'
'This time I know you're not the answer to my prayers/ And I have grown with each disappontment through the years/ And as bad as I am/ I'm still here.
'You can dance with disaster/ Never missing a step/ Spinning faster and faster/ Long after I've already slipped...'

6.) If you were an animal, what would you be?
A cute, fuzzy puppy
A cobra
A pussycat
A rabbit
A bear
A monkey
A warthog

7.) Pick a movie...
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Debbie Does Dallas
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Fight Club
Dude, Where's My Car?
American Pie

8.) And finally, pick one of the seven Celtic nations...
Alba (Scotland)
Breizh (Brittany - Northern France)
Cymru (Wales)
Eire (Ireland)
Ellan Vannin (Isle of Man)
Galatia (Parts of Spain & France)
Kernow (Cornwall - Southern England)

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