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» Quiz: Which Member of the Fanged Four Are You?
Which Member of the Fanged Four Are You?
created by Karma Wiccan

1.) You are:

2.) Finish the sentence-My lover is
mine to play with and use as I desire
able to keep me busy all night long
my everything
my dark star in the night sky

3.) You're standing on the edge of a battle field. You-
play with and then feed on the victims
jump into the fray
were the one who caused it

4.) You see a beggar on the street. You-
Feed off him and then throw him aside
lure him back him with you
leave him alone. He isn't worth your time
lure him back home and then spend the next week torturing him

5.) When you were human, you were
a drunk
a nun
a poet
a prostitute

6.) When it comes to your fashion sense, you are best described as
a catholic school girl
a Victorian goth
a Billy Idol wannabe
a leather wearing fiend

7.) If you could turn any one, past or present, you would turn
William Shakespeare
Ron Jeremy
Chow Young Fat
Prince Charming

8.) You hate:
Devils disguised as angels

9.) You love
the stars
the Master
to feed, fight, and fuck

10.) Pick the quote that best suits you.
"I wanna torture you. I used to love it and it's been a long time. I mean, the last time I tortured someone they didn't even have chainsaws."
"Ten little soldiers all in a line. A shot rings out. Bang down to nine!"
"I was actaully at Woodstock, I fed off a flower person and spent the next 6 hours watching my hands move."
"Is there anything better than a natural disaster? The people lost in the streets, It's like picking fruit off the vine."

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