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» Poem: A thankyou
A thankyou
written by Trapezium
04:32 PM 9/10/04
I'd like to say a thankyou,
To those who beat me to the ground,
Who taunted me and laughed behind my back,
To those of you that weakened me,
For all of the times you made me cry,

I'd like to say a sorry,
For not being who you wanted me to be,
To those that wanted rid of me ages ago,
For being so individualistic and calculative,
For living and wasting this oxygen,

I'd like to say a thankyou,
To everyone that hit me,
It brought me that much closer to my goal,
To everyone who emotionally blackmailed me,
To everyone that steals my piece so I can't win,

I'd like to say a goodbye,
To everyone I'm going to kill,
Because maybe if I destroy a life I'll keep mine,
And maybe if I live another day something good will happen,
Don't wrongdo me or you will pay now.

I'd like to say a thankyou,
To those that make me wish for cold blood,
For those of you I'm going to kill,
You killed me first,
A soul-less angry being.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 415 times

» Comments / Feedback
by i_love_sandy (9-10-2004 - 09:40 PM)
cooli poem...i can relate.....sweet.....hey r u gonna kill me?

by Trapezium (9-11-2004 - 10:46 AM)
If you can get your ass over here

by cryptic_misery (9-14-2004 - 02:14 AM)
wow. =|

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