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» Poem: final
written by devil-dick
04:04 AM 9/12/04
i make this poem my very last.
my journey through life is now my past.
secrets have been learnt, the truth never told.
but now i write, the past i unfold.
i'll show you the secrets, for this is true.
to each his own, but he doesnt own you.
for loves great conquest,the battle to be won.
its forever changing, like the eart around the sun.
to know somebody dearly, to know their feelings well.
is to lead them to heaven: to guide them from hell.
to show how much you care, ask them to speak.
for you want to listen, be it a day or a week.
to show someone you love them, forever stay at their side.
love is a feeling of joy, their is no reason to hide.
she may love you not, but at least you have been true.
you have re-joyced with feeling, you have became brand new.
life is to short for enimies, so treat them as a friend.
their life wil be harder, as their act you can bend.
treat them as an equal, for in fact thats what they are.
treat steriotypes, races, the rich and the poor as one, and you wil go far.
when it boils down, our blood is the same.
each and everyone of us, is a pawn in Gods little game.
so the secrets in life, simple as they may seem.
its harder to be kind, than it is to be mean.
show someone you care, be there when they are sad.
treat everyone as equals, make them all feel glad.
there is no immortality, no spell for re-birth.
for each and everyone of us belong to the mother earth.
our journey through life is simple, its ours to choose.
nobody is a winner, so therefore nobody can lose.
choose your path wisely, for its ours to the end.
love is the richest thing, so be happy, go spend.
sorrow is the curse in life, sadness is a fiend.
if love conquers all, let it be you friend.
the secrets have been told, boring as they may seem.
it's harder than it sounds, so warning, to learn, be keen.
so i write this poem, the last in my life.
be happy my friends you have no need to strife.
so i finish this chapter, the last of my book.
how long did it take me? a lifetime is what it took.
so read it well, for what i write will help you well.
goodbye everybody, stay away from hell.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
this isnt my last, dont worry

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This Poem has been viewed 427 times

» Comments / Feedback
by Sharrain (9-13-2004 - 08:22 AM)
hey, this poem is so...well i love it xoxoluv stef

by Dark Intentions (9-13-2004 - 09:15 PM)
Wow...this is really good, it has so much truth in it... Anyway it is very good.

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