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» Poem: Okay, So You Hate Me?
Okay, So You Hate Me?
written by emo to the skibbies
08:40 PM 5/20/04
Okay so i'm angry
Okay so i'm violent
So you hate me
I never liked you anyway
I wanted to kill you
Hands to neck, turn blue
Okay so i'm a bitch
Yeah but thats only cus i'm passonite
I have a passon for pain
Yours, mine it's all the same
Die, not because I tell you to
Die because your going to
Lie to me
Lye, i'll run over you to see you bleed
Beat me up emotionally
Beat out anger on your shull
Okay so i'm angry
Okay so i'm violent
It's only cus you hate me

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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