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» Poem: piece of glass
piece of glass
written by wixx
07:56 PM 9/18/04
piece of glass
you look so tempting
you look so tempting in my eye
just wanna use you
just start again
next to the last wound you brought to me yesterday
the blood I saw then
I wanna see al over
The blood that came out with al my problems
Problems I have that cant be solved
I love you
I love her
2 secret loved that can’t be told
so just cut it out
and don’t think of it anymore
reaching out for you
so tempting
just 1 little cut (please)
but no I cant (sorry)
I made a promise
I have to keep..

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
for my friend I will alway love

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