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» Poem: Little girl Night walker
Little girl Night walker
written by XpaperdollX
04:02 PM 9/19/04
Walks through the hall with her head pointed to the ground,
Hair in her eyes covering her face,
Books close to her breast to keep her safe,
There's nothing left inside of her,
So crule and cold,
No one realy knows,
The tourment she goes through,
She can't go out,
No one let's her,
Mommy makes her work on the streets late at night,
Mommy needs the money for drugs,
She started drinking,
She was so pretty,
Now she is worth nothing,
A loser laying on the edge of the corner,
She waits for a love to take her home,
No one ever comes,
They use her and abuse her,
She was so smart,
Her mothers drugs are killing her,
She lost everything and everyone,
Little girl dosen't have a home,
All alone,
Dead and finaly at peace.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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