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» Poem: Dear Whoever Wants to Listen..
Dear Whoever Wants to Listen..
written by LieBerthalZz gUrlie 4eVa
05:11 AM 9/20/04
Dear whoever wants to listen,
From the bottom of my heart,
I apologize, I realize I've been bad,
I've failed to be a good girl,
all I do is make you mad.
"What goes around comes around",
that's what mommy said,
well, it hit me twice as hard,
I'm several strikes away from dead.
I used to be so strong,
mom and dad were always proud,
but I somehow lost their acceptance,
I let mommy and daddy down.
I don't think I could forgive myself,
I'm full of too much shame,
I drown myself in guilt,
no doubt I'm the one to blame.
How I crave of turning back the clock
to alter what I've done,
if only for a moment,
there's so much I could become.
I had a future in my hands,
and I watched it pass me by,
the fault remains my own,
I can't walk with my head high.
I'm ashamed of who I am,
I've cried too many tears,
it's frightening how my world has changed
amongst so many years.
This isn't what I've asked for,
it was never meant to be,
and once again,
I'm more than sorry,
I've failed at being me.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
This is about a time in my life when I was going through a serious state of depression. I hated myself and I always felt like I was wrong. It's the worst feeling in the world anyone could ever be put through.

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» Comments / Feedback
by Deadphish_420 (9-20-2004 - 05:23 AM)
I love this poem. In 10th grade my depression got to it's lowest point possible (until 11th grade and this whole shit with an exgf) and i felt like you decribed in your poem all the time. Except in 11th grade i watched the future i could of had pass me by because of the girl i was with. That relationship fucked up things for me for the rest of my life that i cant fix or get back. sucks but, yeah. I can identify with your poem so much.

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