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» Poem: i should've listened
i should've listened
written by Xx brOken xX
08:23 PM 9/20/04
i should've listened
to everyone around me
my friends
my family
they all warned me that you'd do this
they told me not to get involved with you agian
that you'd just break my heart
i should've listened
but i was too stuborn
i didnt wanna believe them
i was too wrapped around you
to believe anything other
than what you said
but everything you said was lies
they all told me you were lying
and i shouldn't give you
the benefit of the doubt
but i didnt listen
they all said you'd play with me
use me and abuse my love
you took advantage of my and my love i had for you
i should've listened
they all said you'd just
leave me in the end
exactly how you did last time
and i should've listened
but instead i stood up for you
told them you said you'd do anything for me
and that you've changed
but thats all bullshit now
i should've listened
because now that i didnt,
i'm left with
a broken heart
broken promises
and tears
i have nothing left
you took everything form me
i wish i just listened to those who actually cared
. . .unlike you. . .

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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