» Poem: sick |
written by wixx08:20 PM 9/21/04I think of you
And I know its wrong
But I can’t help myself
I think of you like you are my boyfriend
But in reality you arent even close to that
But youre so sexy
So adorable
And my thoughts al go to you
While my boyfriend is right next door
I love you
Its so wrong
Thinking of secret thoughts
While we talk ..
Im so sick of myself
How can I do this to my boyfriend
How can I do this to you
Its al my fault
But I cant change it
I cant change my thought
Im just sick
Kiss you would be so wrong
But thats the only thing that goes trough my mind
Not even thinking of him
Life is hard
Love is harder
And Im just sick
Sick in my head
Sick of him
Sick of my thoughts
Sick of this world
Sick of you! |
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í'm just sick [ View wixx's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 355 times