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» Poem: Two Hearts
Two Hearts
written by LieBerthalZz gUrlie 4eVa
01:21 AM 9/22/04
Two hearts settled in one body,
one much more mightier than the other.
It's strength overpowers the other heart,
leaving it with no room to breathe,
no room to be itself,
no room to express itself,
no room for anything,
but that lonely, desolate heart,
is a person, a person with feelings.
That other heart,
is made up of many different persons,
and those many different persons equal the world,
ready to judge and criticize that one person
at each and every chance it gets.
The world believes it knows that person
inside and out, that it has so much under control,
and understands it all,
but the truth is, the world knows nothing,
for that person is a somebody,
and that somebody is everything,
everything the world will never know.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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