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» Poem: I know I'll never...
I know I'll never...
written by Trapezium
07:48 PM 9/24/04
I know I'll never get you back,
But I just want to know why you're feeling like this,
I want to know what I've done wrong,
And if I can make it up to you I will; I promise,
I still want to be there for you,
Guide you through life and catch you if you fall,
If you don't care about me I understand but,
I swear I'll do anything for you; anything at all.

I know I'll never renew myself,
For whatever it is I've done,
But just for you I swear I'll,
Get rid of this knife; these pills; this gun,
But I'm just not sure I can move on,
When I see you you're always looking depressed,
My stomach tightens when I see that fakeness,
Yeah I can see through it; sadness repressed.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
It's for my ex... I've done something wrong but I don't have a clue what... and I'm the victim of huge bouts of abuse from her though she wont ever talk to me.

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