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» Poem: why do you care about me?
why do you care about me?
written by deadrebel53
03:39 AM 10/21/04
why do you care about me?
why would you want care for
a worthless good-for-nothing person?
why do you care enough about me
to call when i am sick?
why do you care enough about me
to ask why I'm not in school?
why do you care enough about me
to tell the assisstant principal I cut myself?
why do you care enough about me
to not want to see me die?
why do you care enough about me
to keep me from killing myself?
why do you care?
why do you care about anything?
but most of all,
why do you care about me?

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
to anyone that has ever cared

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