» Poem: In Time |
In Time
written by IceBound09:59 PM 10/22/04I can't exactly explain how i feel right onw
it's like something i had no idea was here
has all of a sudden shown itself, shown herself
her eyes are tempting,
lips calling,
touch comforting,
so why do i hold back?
how long will this go on?
why must i resist temtation?
i try to hide behind the exuse of,
"past experiences",
but i know damn well that,
that was then, this is now
she isn't her!
who the hell am i tryin to convince?
i let myself get carried away
i don't like the fact,
that i have to hold back
or at lezst feel i need to.
and i'm sure she doesn't either
i'm sorry for that purpose alone.
i made the mistake of telling her once,
i kow she was speechless,
not knowing what exactly to say,
just a kiss...
i don't doubt she feels
our relationship is a strong one
but to put all feelings and emotions,
into the context of 3 words,
is difficult to comprehend to some people.
I love this girl with everything i have
and all of me i can give...
so how do you hide what feels so right,
and try to convince yourself,
It's not the time... |
All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author. Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
relizing what i need to do,
and not reacting,
is my biggest downfall right now... [ View IceBound's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 364 times