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» Poem: In Time
In Time
written by IceBound
09:59 PM 10/22/04
I can't exactly explain how i feel right onw
it's like something i had no idea was here
has all of a sudden shown itself, shown herself
her eyes are tempting,
lips calling,
touch comforting,
so why do i hold back?
how long will this go on?
why must i resist temtation?
i try to hide behind the exuse of,
"past experiences",
but i know damn well that,
that was then, this is now
she isn't her!
who the hell am i tryin to convince?
i let myself get carried away
i don't like the fact,
that i have to hold back
or at lezst feel i need to.
and i'm sure she doesn't either
i'm sorry for that purpose alone.
i made the mistake of telling her once,
i kow she was speechless,
not knowing what exactly to say,
just a kiss...
i don't doubt she feels
our relationship is a strong one
but to put all feelings and emotions,
into the context of 3 words,
is difficult to comprehend to some people.
I love this girl with everything i have
and all of me i can give...
so how do you hide what feels so right,
and try to convince yourself,
It's not the time...

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
relizing what i need to do,
and not reacting,
is my biggest downfall right now...

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