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» Poem: Hope
written by A7XRandolph
11:35 PM 10/23/04
Eternal slumber has entrapped me,
I drift through the endless dark void,
The demons of conscious haunt me,
Corrupting my soul, the pain I feel endless,
Death comes late, I am forsaken,
My suffering knows no bounds,
Contradicted by my own feelings,
Unable to breath, dying of hatred,
But, one ray of light shines bright,
The hope that my soul has now awakened for,
You are the bringing of hope,
You are the one of love,
And you are the only one who can end my suffering.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Well, I only made this because of Julia, I hope you guys like it.

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This Poem has been viewed 132 times

» Comments / Feedback
by xxxvampire_loverxxx (10-23-2004 - 11:38 PM)
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I really enjoyed it. Keep up the great work.

by The Goddess of Mutilation (10-24-2004 - 01:23 AM)
In one word: Beautiful

by mad tears (10-24-2004 - 06:47 PM)
*smiles softly* its very very nice...keep it up love.

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