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» Poem: And now you hate me
And now you hate me
written by Sugar Free
01:09 AM 4/12/04
I once made your Oceanic eyes glow with life

Our secrets shared in a gentle embrace

Your face, so perfect and shy

Naturally flushed cheeks make you defined

Your simplicity creates an aura of beauty

The odor of frshly cleaned sheets follows you

Our friendship so strong and built

Promises to let nothing come between us

We shall always be ther for one another

Not matter what...

WHAT happened so fast

WHAT changed our lives

The WHAT is what destroyed or friendship so great

The WHAT was not worth what we onced had

Now our hearst scareed with the WHAT

Trust broken

Promises unfold

We speak no more secrets

Nothing lasts forever

Our passion went cold

Now your Oceanic eyes are dead

Nothing special for the world to see

I bring you not life

I murdered your soul

Instead of preaching love
We now practice hate

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
breaking up is hard to do

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