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» Poem: This Day
This Day
written by darktinkerbell
04:26 AM 11/2/04
something about today
just doesn't feel right
like I should be deep in thought
about nothing
like the sudden daze you get
when your eyes are fixed on one thing
and nothing is going through your head
I can't smile
I feel like something's wrong....
but, nothing is
I'm cold
and tired
but I can't sleep
I feel I need him to just hold me
for hours
How am I having a bad day
when the thing I've been waiting for,
for over a year, happened today?
how can it be raining
when they predicted it to be sunny?
how do I shiver,
sitting right in front of a burning blaze?
I feel like I need
a drink
just to get a buzz
I feel so empty
on a day that is full
I feel lost
and I need time to think...
I feel like death is tempting me
with a bitter-sweet kiss on the lips
and is softly calling me
My head pounds as if
my brain wants out
of it's hell
I see myself in a box
big enough
just for me
I feel like
I've been buried alive
and no one can hear my cries
as if anyone would've listened anyway
no one ever does
today I feel like....
reaching for that razor blade
that sits there and begs me
to just let it taste my blood
this one last time
my heart is the only one
that tells me, "joel"
the strongest thing in my body...
keeps me from causing harm
to myself
while the rest of me
cries like a hungry child
for just a little cut
but I know
once I cut
I'll wanna cut...
and deeper
and I the only thing keeping me
from that is the picture in my head
of that look in your eyes
and the wake up call of
my warm salty tear drops
streaking down my face
and somehow
it brings me to the realization
that today is just a bad day.....
tomorrow's another day.....
with my babe my my side.......
something I wouldn't have
if I gave in to
the blood-thirsty
Razor blade

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
really bad day.... that's all I can say to explain it

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This Poem has been viewed 345 times

» Comments / Feedback
by IceBound (11-2-2004 - 05:05 PM)
I'm listening babe i'm right here

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