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» Poem: TO MY CORE
written by Deadkittycat
03:45 AM 11/5/04
i'm gonna try something different
maybe you'll be okay with it
run it through my fingers and sift it
my words lyrical and swift
close my eyes in total bliss
words running through my head
scraps of glass and led
molded into my soul
I wont lose control
but the pain wont go
i reach under my bed...so slow
cant wait to see my pain flow
this time i wont scream cry or moan
i'll invite the pain
my best friend .. a razor blade
this burning lovely pain
my sheets clothing and arms stained
this lushious color of insane
I crave this state
my hate
once you open that gate
its great
exposing my veins
should i walk that dark lane?
no, i think i'll wait
so i'll disintigrate
into that place
heh i know i'm a disgrace
its okay say it to my face
thats truley grace
i wipe off the blade
put it back in the dark gloomy place
arms ...still stained
I sit there and just stare
inviting the cold air
so sore
but i dont care
I feel like i've done more
like cured my core
with this blinding torture
my breathe becoming courser
I think i'm dieing but i'm not so sure
i'm bored of this poor atempt at horror
so i'll be silent and say no more
and be a good little cutter whore

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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