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» Poem: Realization
written by Foiazzy
06:37 PM 11/6/04
I am dreaming
And in my dream I'm running
Running from everything in my life
But I know it'll be alright
Because I can open my eyes
And it will all go away
It will all disappear
But my eyes are already open
I am already awake
And then I realize the truth
It's real, not a dream
Not just a nightmare
This is my life
This is what I've become
A hollow shell of existence
Here but not really here
At the same time
Because everything from the inside
I have released as blood
And as the crimson flows
I am emptied of life

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
I wrote this on November 4

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