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» Poem: He Is Me
He Is Me
written by Psycho_Penguin
09:54 PM 11/6/04
I look deep and,
I touch his skin,
I feel my soul...
Sink within...

Touchless caress,
Across his bloody broken mind,
What dark secrets...
Am I allowed to find?

And I want to know him,
As I almost know myself,
See what's hidden
On a forgotten shelf...

I want to know what's wrong,
I want to see what's right...
I want to know why he's broken,
Why he refuses to fight...

I want to heal him,
Sink my way inside,
I want him to open,
I want him to confide...

But he's hiding
Behind emotional locks,
He feels he is free,
But that's the paradox...

Why does he hide,
Behind the closet door?
Can't he step out,
And he want much more?

Is he ever,
Going to see?
Doesn't he realize?
That he is me?

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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This Poem has been viewed 97 times

» Comments / Feedback
by (anonymous) (11-12-2004 - 08:46 PM)
Hey big bro. Ya kno that seems to be me right now, y can you chanel my emoitions so well. I love ya ~R~

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