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» Poem: Death is a choice
Death is a choice
written by Trapezium
08:36 PM 11/7/04
Death is a path we all have to take,
Death is not a mistake,
It is a blessing that no-one notices,
And when it's too late,
They're gone,
But death is a choice,
An option for a crowded soul,
If you're right you feel the way,
But I'll miss you everyday.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Short poem for Angela *hugs*

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This Poem has been viewed 486 times

» Comments / Feedback
by Schizophrenic_broken (11-7-2004 - 08:37 PM)
thats good. It it aint to rude to ask, whos angela

by bloodlyvalentine (11-7-2004 - 08:43 PM)
hmmmm, interesting, though i wouldnt mind dying, i dont want to cut my life short, even tough it sucks, it just doesnt seem right

by Darkwolfgirl (11-7-2004 - 08:53 PM)
awesome. great job

by pAinted_Lies (11-7-2004 - 10:21 PM)
really makes you think...

by (anonymous) (11-8-2004 - 10:40 AM)
hey babes im in litercy its gya im mgessin u wrote it last night love yha bum love alicie and alice

by Genocide Reaper (11-11-2004 - 12:08 AM)
Bro, with the way they talk about your.'Bum' I'd guess its your chic picker upper. xD *looks at his ass* Maybe I need to get mine in shape and I can get some extra female attention. Great poem by the way...The comments sort of through me off track.

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