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» Poem: My suicide note
My suicide note
written by ieatsmellysocks
07:47 PM 11/8/04
Dear few friends and family,
Im sorry that in this condition you have to see me,
Dead and bloody lying on what was a clean floor
Im sorry for what I did, but I can take no more
Im sorry I got blood on the rug
Im sorry to anyone I forgot to hug
Im sorry theres pills all over the place
Im sorry the knife is not in its case
Im sorry that I couldn’t have been something more
Than a pathetic dead failure rotting on your bathroom floor.
You can sell all my stuff,but please keep this note
And please throw away my now blood stained coat
Make sure no one thinks marilyn manson made me suicidal
Im sorry if I you have no more painkillers or midol
Im sorry for all the times I was rude
Im sorry for all the times I made you mad when you were in a bad mood
Im sorry if my death has caused you pain
But in this cruel world I couldn’t remain
I know that many times you asked me whats wrong
I said nothing at all and continued on
Well I couldn’t find words that could describe what I felt to say
But even if I could it wouldn’t stop me from committing suicide today
Im sorry for wasting your time
Im sorry if my note doesn’t properly rhyme
I just want to explain that I’ll miss being with you
But committing suicide is something ive always wanted to do
Im sorry this note was so poorly done
Im sorry theres blood all over the gun
Im sorry the axe isn’t in its place
Im sorry that im such a disgrace

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Its an incredibly demented suicide note,i just wanted to see if i could make one that rhymed...I hate it.I was just in that depressed,suicidal type mood and instead of killing myself i decided to write this..please comment,even if you think its complete crap..Of course,it isnt finished,but im too lazy to.

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This Poem has been viewed 484 times

» Comments / Feedback
by (anonymous) (11-9-2004 - 01:38 AM)
When I read this poem I thought, what is the person thinking, were they really depressed? Or just angry.It took me a minute to figure, but it's a great poem!

by (anonymous) (11-9-2004 - 03:35 AM)
awesome poem. i dont know if you really mean all those things, or if your just someone with a lot of anger that needed to vent, but i can connect. again, awesome poem.

by (anonymous) (11-13-2004 - 08:04 AM)
It truly bought a tear to my eyes. It is gr8 keep up the good work. =)

by .::forbidden::. (11-15-2004 - 09:03 PM)
ypour poems are amazing and this has so much feeling i can relate it rrally it gr8

by (anonymous) (12-8-2004 - 12:59 AM)
i thought what u wrote was really good it had lots of emotion and it rhymed pretty well kep writing it was really good

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