Life is beautiful,
So are you,
Life is plentiful,
I will really miss you,
When you go away,
I want you to stay,
I want you te be my valentine,
Read this poem and shine,
Think of the day ahead,
No one's better off dead,
The poems in the portal,
Seem to be sad,
The author's of the portal,
Seem to be mad,
They probably have a reason,
But think of the new season,
And the life you can live,
The happiness you can give,
Just for beng around,
You may not make a sound,
But we still know who you are,
You are a shining star.
No matter who you be,
You will still have freinds,
You will still have family.
If you're going through a blackspot,
Dont commit suicide,
If you do this you wont be forgot,
People still have love for you,
they'll wish you never died.
I'm writing this poem so you can see,
How happy you should be,
Life is a wonderful thing,
You should express this in poetry.
We write poetry to explain how we feel,
But most of the poets aren't the real deal,
They write about being sad,
It happens less than you think,
All of the good poetry,
Is going down the sink.
More good things happen then no,
So why doesn't the world show,
All of the nice things in life,
It's only bad things they write.
I will write more happy poems,
In the future,
To be a little guide,
You may call me,
Your teacher.
People should write more happy,
Poems in the portal,
Because they are mainly sad,
People know it,
When they are feeling bad,
But when they are happy,
'tis a different story.
Let the world know who you are,
You are a shining star |