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» Poem: Secret Garden of lost hope
Secret Garden of lost hope
written by darktinkerbell
09:29 PM 11/13/04
I've lost all hope
of my life getting any better
I lost hope
in my family..
my friends
but, I haven't lost hope in you...
or in us.
Lost hope isn't anything new coming from me
then my sister tells me
to her,
I represt hope,
hope that everything
in her life can be good
cause I'm by her side
I don't want to break her heart
and say "don't hope anything because of me,
cause all my hope is lost"
all my hope is in some secret garden
where hope is to never bloom
and never to be anything
ever again
every one's lost hope
is represented
by blackened, dying flowers
but, one red rose stands out
hope, isn't completely lost
this one is struggling to
stay alive
it's my sister's hope
Then, the blackened rose
beside the red one
tries to revive it's self,
my hope it coming alive...
this Secret Garden of Lost Hope
is no longer full of lost hope....
the two living roses
will help find hope for all
the other lovely flowers
there will no longer be a
Secret Garden of Lost Hope

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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» Comments / Feedback
by bloodlyvalentine (11-13-2004 - 09:34 PM)
wow, great peom, it changes everything when u know someones is counting on you

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