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» Poem: Ketchup Bottle
Ketchup Bottle
written by ieatsmellysocks
02:32 AM 11/14/04
Oh great Ketchup Bottle
I pray to you tonight
Your contents are red like blood
You stand on my table upright.

But when i flip you over
You always fall down
I thought about this
And i punched you with a frown.

Then i flipped you over and put you on my table
Finally you you didnt fall
After you took a beating
You became the greatest god of all

Oh great ketchup bottle
I pray to you tonight
Your contents are red like blood
And you stand on my table upright.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Ive always been amazed by the ketchup bottle.it would never stand up when i flipped it over until i punched it and then it worked.After you are abused,you become more aware of things around you,or like the ketchup bottle,a god.I have no idea what im talking about.comment

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This Poem has been viewed 434 times

» Comments / Feedback
by che_lives20 (11-14-2004 - 04:57 AM)
Heh, I actually enjoyed it. Funny shit. More entertaining than a lot of the usual "I'm depressed, I'm going to go cut myself and pretend this is what everybody cool does, wah wah!" stuff I see here.

by xfakexsmilesx (11-14-2004 - 06:44 AM)
haha very clever. that was fun to read!

by .::forbidden::. (11-15-2004 - 09:07 PM)
yeh i was feeling sh.it but that cheered me up lol !! ahh something acctually made me smile

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