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» Poem: chapters of a life 2
chapters of a life 2
written by melons
04:33 PM 11/14/04
And so comes the end,
Of another chapter in my life,
My first girlfriend,
Who was going to be my wife.

We thought it would never end,
We thought we would last forever,
We talked about our wedding,
How fucking naïve we were.

I recall the times,
When we would kiss all night,
Snuggle up and fall asleep,
And hold each other tight.

And the fright in the morning,
Of what we looked like
Now she has taken a hike

We counted tosies together
We rubbed nosies together
But now were not together
Well only time will tell

We hurt each other bad,
No one else can have,
What we had,
Maybe one day soon,
We’ll regain that.

She said she was into poetry,
She said she liked snuggling,
So many things,
I did for her,
To love me even more.

We would be so happy,
If she came back to me,
Doesn’t look like likely,
As now she has sandy.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
from adam my ex bf he keeps sendign my them oh well i think this is gd but u might not

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