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» Poem: The Pain Will Never Subside
The Pain Will Never Subside
written by darktinkerbell
09:03 PM 11/14/04
I miss you so much
that even a thought of you
forces tears to my eyes
my pain is many years worth
and I fear it will never subside
it only seems to worsen,
with every thought of you
and everyday that passes
I wonder how my life would be
if I only had you here with me
if I had any precious memories with you
sometimes I wonder
if god gave you a choice
and you chose to leave me,
leave us
I wonder why my
shattered heart
had to endure this pain
I need you more than you know,
more than anyone knows,
more than I'm willing to admit.
I need for you to hold me
and let me know you love me
my so-called life feels
empty, and unhappy,
I need you, if only
you came for a while
just enough to take all my pain away
or let me come with you
I don't know how
I would get through another day without you
yet I still pretend to be strong,
keeping from everyone
that I really am dying inside,
I want to run to you,
though I know it's impossible
I miss you dad, come take me home soon,
I can't stand this anymore
the pain will never subside

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Just another passing day, and another day, I'm still here, without my dad

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