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» Poem: Sugar Coated
Sugar Coated
written by darktinkerbell
06:25 PM 11/15/04
What, am I 6?
I ask you to tell me the truth,
and you suger coat it
you think I can't handle it
well, I handled too much
when I WAS 6
so what's the difference now?
It's a great feeling
just finding out
that everything you've told me,
the whole "truth"
has been sugar coated
you gotta let me go
let me make my own mistakes
stop trying to catch me
whenever I fall
haven't you got that
after the many times
I've pushed you away?
you obviously don't get it,
and I'm not sure you ever will
and now that I know that my whole life has been
a whole lie
I don't think I can ever forgive you,
I don't know what to think of you
now that my whole life has
just been sugar coated

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Don't expect any forgiveness from me, you're lucky if I ever trust you again

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This Poem has been viewed 360 times

» Comments / Feedback
by IceBound (11-16-2004 - 03:45 PM)
that was deep....

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