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» Poem: if today i said goodbye
if today i said goodbye
written by Schizophrenic_broken
05:14 PM 11/16/04
To many thoughts
That line my tears
To many hates to
Hide my fears
To many days that
I found the knife
To be my best friend
My destroyer of life
Yet my other friends
are much more real
They always know
just how i feel
So if I said Goodbye
in a differnt style today
They'd know that I
might be planning how to go away.
They'd now if I was
wishing of a simple way to die.
They know just how to
comfort me when i cant stop but cry.
So this is to say to
them Thank you
For the special stuff
that only good mates do.

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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