The difference between life and death is
in life, you're hurt many ways,
physically, mentally, and emotionally
death, you feel nothing
life, makes you do dumb things,
and it lets you down...a lot
death, you feel nothing
life pushes you to the edge and back
it makes you want to end it all yourself
but, then it doesn't let you go
it holds on to you, as if you have
some great reson to stay
death, you feel nothing
life you love, then lose,
all a part of the game feel nothing
life keeps you in suspense,
and makes you smile feel......nothing
life brings you good and bad times,
and lets you feel something
none like any other
life, you feel many powerful and
amazing things, all the time
death, you feel...nothing
life you feel thing you thought
were never possible,
and it gives you challenges
....death, you feel............nothing
the difference between life and death
is life gives you paths, and choices to make,
it loves you and hurts you
death, you feel none of that,
whether you feel life is better....
or death is better......
consider this,
It is better to feel something,
pain, love, anger, sadness,
depression, happiness....
than to feel nothing at all,
the difference between life and death
is life is living, and death gives you
no feeling |