We end it like this,
I wish there could be a better way,
But I cant take these mind games,
This person you made up for yourself,
She's great,
Why cant you be like her,
But your only you,
I wish I could touch you once more,
Are laughter, tears,screams and are lies where locked in a door,
This door will we ever open it,
Take us back to the days when everything seemed right,
But you used me,
Still someparts where so great,
When I would get sci and you would tell the princple to put you in because you where going to kick someones ass,
I remeber that,
What ever happened to best friends forever,
What was it,
I mean really what started this all,
We dont even look at eachother anymore,
Thats because you used me,
Sometimes I just dont care,
I forgive you,
Or do I?
I wish I could just be there for you,
You look so happy now,
You have a man in your life,
He is so sweet,
Your even going to have a baby,
I know you'll treat it right,
You'll be the best mom ever,
I remeber the fight like it was yesterday,
The way you pushed me and slaped me,
Slaped me ha, you where much stronger then that,
The way I grabed your hair and slamed your head on the glass window,
It borke me in two,
How could we hurt eachother like this,
This feels like a dream,
Though now it's clear,
I cleaned off the dirt,
You used me. |