» Poem: Thoughts Locked Inside |
Thoughts Locked Inside
written by darktinkerbell09:36 PM 11/20/04more than ever,
I miss you right now
I need you just as much
the day is running long,
so the night is empty
I wish you were here with me
to help me through this
my eyes would well up with tears
if they hadn't run dry
my silence cannot be broken....
it has to be locked inside me,
for now at least
this heart of mine has been
broken, shattered, and attempted
to be put together again
too mant times
my soul is crying out
but no one can hear....
no one is listening
I need you, if only for a moment
it all disappears when I'm with you
even with hardly any time alone
it doesn't matter as much.
This family of mine
is ripping at the seams
I go insane, knowing I can't do anything,
.......only watch, as my family falls apart.
I'm breaking my image,
for myself, and everyone I love,
but especially for my baby cousin,
who needs the real me
to hold her shaky hand
and heal her broken, confused heart
I need to see you
to just get away from it all
I need you to hold me,
and kiss me, and just be around me
but at the same time
I need to get through this,
to figure out who I really am,
and help my family,
all on my own,
this isn't my pride,
this is how it has to be right now,
I gotta do this alone. |
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