» Poem: Fallen |
written by darktinkerbell07:28 PM 11/21/04I watch, still wanting
to run to you
but I hold back
you're my little angel
that has broken her wing
and fallen down to earth
I want to protect you
in every way I can
but as much as I want to
I stand still and watch
knowing you have to walk down this path,
alone, without me.
I know you're falling,
but I can't help you up this time,
my little angel, I love you
just know, I'm here, watching your every move
and helping you with my love
along the way.
I'm glad you're safe my little angel
I'm glad you're back home
safe in your mother's arms,
let no more tears fall from your
angel baby face,
let it be known, that this
precious angel, has fallen,
and she will stand tall soon,
the heavens have lost a good angel,
she will come home to you soon,
but for now, her time on earth
isn't up yet, still needs time for her
wing to mend, let me be her angel |
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To my angel, Kimberly [ View darktinkerbell's Profile ] [ Go to the Poetry Portal ] This Poem has been viewed 355 times