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» Poem: ~One last cut~
~One last cut~
written by deadsexpuppet
03:07 AM 11/22/04
I hurt myself to see if i still feel, I saw my blood rushing through my veins, I laughed a crazy laugh and couldnt help but smile as i pour this red liquid, It fell it stained it hurt it pleased, I coulnt stop tearing at my wrists, Now covered in cuts and blood I look up and your staring horrified at what i just did, I laugh and lauh i can not stop, I saw it coming all these empty promises and broken words, I knew the day would come when i laugh at your pain at my pain at what ive become, I slice the last place to cut and drop the knife, I scream and grab my neck i smile and remove my hand its red all red like the color of love, I pass out and die.
You drove me to this and I laughed

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

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