What makes you think you can touch me like that,
Much stronger then I was before,
Im not a little girl anymore,
I dont need you,
Lived by myself forever,
You never took care of me,
I remeber days you would send me off to school,
Without letting be brush my teeth or comb my hair,
That was the lest of my worries,
I would walk in the room,
And the kids would hold there noses,
They just didnt understand,
what it was like living with someone who didnt care,
How it was so hard taking care of myself and my little sister,
All alone,
Forever I shall be alone,
only six years old and all ready at a full high depression,
But I wont let you pull me down anymore,
You will never be anything in my eyes,
Dearest mother of mine,
So cruel and unknid but somehow im gald you left
It lifted a wight off of me,
and finally I feel peace,
In ways I feel it,
I dont have to worry about the past,
I dont have to worry about the shit the kids put me through,
Now I hold my head so high,
Finally I can breath. |