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» Poem: Pain comes
Pain comes
written by izzzy
06:58 AM 11/24/04
Pain comes more often than not, and wishes are just another figment we are lead to believe in. The good triumph only in movies and books. Evil rules the not only the underworld but the entire world consumed by life.
Yes the world is consumed by life and I am consumed by the world and its problems both large and miniscule. Thick and thin. Tall and short.
Tortured with the pain of life, killing myself with oxygen in which I breathe in. The agony this world puts me through. It shreds my body with the knowledge that it will kill me… one day.
If I take one more breath will I die from the poison fed through my ears to my brain to my memory…the poison from society… the suffering I endure each waking moment tearfully kept hidden within so as no one notices.
Whisk me away to a place that can heal the torments of a wicked conscience. A place free from pain. Free from life…

All (c)Copyrights reserved by the Original Author.

Author's footnotes and comments on this Poem:
Even though it isn't a poem it is a pretty neat piece of creative writing. What do you think?

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by frankeythomason (1-29-2005 - 11:10 PM)

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